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- TRCnetanalyzer

What is TRCnetanalyzer?
TRCnetAnalyzer is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to see the packs browsing on business network by monitoring it and that you can use to analyze your network.
Your business network might have small or wide structure, TRCnetanalyzer provides you with the traffic reports passing through your business network and indicates the packs exceedings network load in detail and informs you elaborately with respect to your business network. Identifying your network both statistically and visually, TRCnetanalyzer listens to all packs browsing on your network such as TCP/UDP/ICMP, (R)ARP, IPXi DLC, Decnet, appleTalk Netbios, TCP/UDP. It helps you solve your problem and increase your efficiency by indicating the sources of the problems in your network.
What are the solutions of TRCnetanalyzer?
To support the administrator in depth with respect to
- Traffic measurement
- Traffic control
- Network optimization and planning
- Security
What can you monitor in your business network with TRCnetanalyzer?
- You can monitor
- Total traffic passing through,
- Required data of the machines on the relevant business network with regards to traffic measurement,
- Amount of bandwidth used,
- How much the received and transmitted data packs are,
- Total and host-based band width used,
- TCP sessions in the business network,
- UDP sessions in the business network
- Local traffic
- Traffic of remote connection
- Traffic of connection from remote to local
- List of open services and active ports according to host (IP)
- Traffic between local subnets
- Use of different proxy in terms of security
- If there are different routers
- The load of traffic on each protocol.
Analyzing the traffic passing through protocols, TRCnetanalayzer helps to close the ports which are unnecessary and may lead to security gap and eliminate the problems that may affect the performance of the machines in the business network.
Who can use Netanalyzer?
Any person and institution that desires to see what goes on the business network and that attaches importance to business network security may use it without any sector restriction.