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What is TRCfit?
TRCfit is a web-based and customer oriented solution developed upon Microsoft Dynamic CRM software, and it can be used by Health Clubs, Sports Centers, Beauty Saloons, SPA, Fitness, GYM, Massage, Body-building facilities, it is designed with the industrial needs in mind, and it is used on the basis of monthly rent (hosted).
What can be done with TRCfit?
Following all details about the customer
- Potential customers
- Customers
- Members
- Customer History
- All correspondence, interviews, services, complaints, etc. and the full follow-up of the relationship with the customer
. Contracts
- Contract infrastructure through which you can design your various membership types such as monthly, yearly, ticket-style, gold, silver, etc.
. Card Reader Entegrasyonu
- Enabling customer loyalty by the magnetic cards given to contracted customers.
- Automatic processes to be done when the customer card is read
- Customer information popping up on the screen
- Customer's automatic entrance into the facility.
. Information Bank
Frequently asked questions and answers
- What to do when suffered a groin strain?
- Ability to search
- Procedures & Policies
- Membership Requirements
- Facility Usage Rules
. Appointment services and Reservation System
- Follow-up and scheduling of all the resources (Room, Hall, employees, etc.)
- Automated Booking
- Common calendar.
. Marketing Activities
- Finding the target audience
- Find customers who became a member last year, but did not come this year
- Find my potential customers, university graduate, female, living in Istanbul
- Selecting the appropriate marketing channel for my targeted audience
- Example: 20% special discounts for this group of customers
- Send everyone personal emails
- Send personal text messages
- Create a phone task for my customers who became members last year.
- Measuring the effectiveness of marketing activity
- How many liras spent
- How much time spent
- How many people I reached
- How many are interested
- How many became new clients
- How much I won...
. Complaint Management
- Registration of all kinds of complaints from customers, and sending them to the concerned person.
- Reports
- The subjects I received complaints about more,
- Public complaints
- Customer satisfaction percentages etc.
. Automatic Warnings
- A week before the end of the agreement date, sending an automatic mail to the customer and the sales representative
- When the new agreement is signed, sending the customer an automatic email that explains the rules of the facility
- Email your supervisor when the assigned task is not accomplished in a timely manner.
Your information is protected at TURCom Data Center by means of high security technological instruments, with 2-hour and daily backups. Your confidentiality is also legally assured through our confidentiality agreement.