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- TRCMobil Market

It enables the companies in retail sector to obtain information from each sales point instantly with respect to their own products and competitors and to report to the relevant units as a result. For example; prices, taste, shelf status, numbers, consumption numbers, promotions, instant discounts…
What does TRCmobil - market bring?
. It enables the site product information which is the most important requirement of retail sector to be transmitted and reported to headquarters by merch teams via cell phones.
. It conveys many information in line with requirements of the retail sector such as front pages of own and competitor products on site, shelf prices, shelf positions, promotions, warehouse stocks, display status etc.
. The information collected from site in an economic and easy manner through TRCmobil Market are turned into many reports over central data base. Running on GPRS infrastructure, trcmobil market is hundred times more economic compared to transmitting such information by phone call. Moreover, it is ensured without an extra investment by using the cell phones which everyone already has.